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"Strategy is like putting together a giant jigsaw puzzle, hard to assemble but easy to understand once it's done."

Joe Torre

What we offer:

Creating an end result that everyone wants

If you’re creating the end result you really want in your business, you’ll embrace the changes that are needed. This is as true in business as in other parts of our lives. This also goes for all of the people involved (your team, staff, suppliers, customers). If they are engaged with what you’re trying to do, they will be engaged with the changes needed to get there, including any challenges along the way.

Here at Cerridwen, we prefer to create rather than react. Our approach is centred on embracing meaningful change to create the business you want.

The services Cerridwen can offer

Cerridwen offers a range of services, from a few days support to longer pieces of work, all tailored to where you are right now and the size of your organisation or business.


Helping you create what you want

Every business needs some space to think about where they want to go rather than just dive in.

Cerridwen can help you

  • ​Review what you do now, what works well and what needs to improve

  • Define what you want to become, both long term and short term
  • Identify what needs to change and how these changes can happen through your people, processes, information and technology
  • Define how to measure success and spot early signs of problems


Reviewing changes you're already making


Sometimes it’s good to take stock and review where your plans for change are getting stuck.

Cerridwen can help you

  • Review any significant changes you’re already making in your business

  • Review how your technology and data support your goals (e.g. through investment and turning data into useful information)
  • Review how your people support your goals
  • Review how you are tracking success and early warning signs of issues


Focusing on your people


The heart of good business strategy and change is people.

Cerridwen can help you

  • Identify and develop the leadership, teamwork and governance for owning and making changes in your organisation

  • Develop and hone key skills among your team through training and one-to-one coaching in:


i) Business and technology strategy

ii) Commercial Management

iii) Teamworking

If you want to explore any of these services

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